Question Of Evidence Crossword Clue

Question of evidence crossword clue – In the captivating realm of crossword puzzles, the question of evidence presents a tantalizing challenge, demanding a keen eye for detail and a discerning mind. This guide delves into the intricacies of this crossword conundrum, exploring its definition, diverse types, and effective techniques for solving these enigmatic clues.

Unveiling the meaning of “question of evidence” within the context of crossword puzzles, we discover that it pertains to clues that require the utilization of external sources or prior knowledge to ascertain the correct answer. Synonyms and alternative phrases, such as “proof required” or “factual basis,” serve as valuable aids in deciphering these clues.

Crossword Clue Definition: Question Of Evidence Crossword Clue

Question of evidence crossword clue

In the context of a crossword puzzle, “question of evidence” refers to a clue that requires the solver to use external sources or prior knowledge to determine the correct answer. Synonyms for “question of evidence” include “trivia question” and “factual query.”

Types of Evidence

Different types of evidence can be used to answer crossword clues, including:

  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias:Provide definitions and factual information.
  • Almanacs and yearbooks:Contain statistics and historical data.
  • Atlases and maps:Provide geographical information.
  • Online databases and search engines:Offer a vast array of information on various topics.
  • Personal knowledge and experience:Can be used to answer clues related to personal interests or areas of expertise.

Each type of evidence has its strengths and weaknesses. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are generally reliable sources of information, but they may not always contain the most up-to-date information. Almanacs and yearbooks provide current statistics, but they may not cover all topics.

Atlases and maps are useful for geographical clues, but they may not show all the details necessary to solve a particular clue. Online databases and search engines offer a vast amount of information, but it is important to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources.

Type of Evidence Strengths Weaknesses
Dictionaries and encyclopedias Reliable, provide definitions and factual information May not contain the most up-to-date information
Almanacs and yearbooks Provide current statistics May not cover all topics
Atlases and maps Useful for geographical clues May not show all the details necessary to solve a particular clue
Online databases and search engines Offer a vast amount of information Important to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources
Personal knowledge and experience Can be used to answer clues related to personal interests or areas of expertise May not be applicable to all clues

Techniques for Solving Clues

Question of evidence crossword clue

To solve crossword clues related to evidence, it is important to:

  1. Read the clue carefully:Determine what type of evidence is required to answer the clue.
  2. Use the appropriate type of evidence:Refer to dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, yearbooks, atlases, maps, online databases, search engines, or personal knowledge as needed.
  3. Evaluate the credibility and reliability of the evidence:Consider the source of the information and whether it is likely to be accurate and up-to-date.
  4. Apply the evidence to the clue:Use the information gathered from the evidence to determine the correct answer.

For example, to solve the clue “Capital of France,” you would need to use an atlas or encyclopedia to find the answer, which is “Paris.”

Common Pitfalls and Errors

Question of evidence crossword clue

  • Relying on unreliable sources:It is important to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the evidence used to answer crossword clues.
  • Misinterpreting the clue:It is important to read the clue carefully and determine what type of evidence is required to answer the clue.
  • Overlooking the obvious:Sometimes, the answer to a crossword clue is obvious, but it may be overlooked because the solver is looking for a more complicated answer.

Examples and Case Studies

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Example of a crossword clue that requires the use of evidence:

Clue:“The capital of France”

Answer:“Paris” (found using an atlas or encyclopedia)

Case study of an individual who successfully used evidence to solve crossword puzzles:

Will Shortz, the crossword editor for The New York Times, is known for his ability to solve crossword puzzles quickly and accurately. He often uses evidence from dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, yearbooks, atlases, maps, online databases, and search engines to solve clues.


What constitutes a question of evidence in a crossword puzzle?

A question of evidence in a crossword puzzle refers to a clue that necessitates the use of external sources or prior knowledge to determine the correct answer.

What are some common types of evidence used in crossword puzzles?

Crossword puzzles may employ various types of evidence, including historical facts, scientific data, literary references, and cultural trivia.

How can I improve my ability to solve question of evidence clues?

To enhance your ability to solve question of evidence clues, focus on developing your research skills, expanding your knowledge base, and practicing regularly.